Hari ini saya akan berbagi software gratis, yaitu corel draw X5 yang pada saat ini adalah versi dari corel draw yang paling baru.
Fitur terbaru Corel Draw X5 :
CorelDRAW also includes several new drawing tools and improvements to current tools :
1. B-Spline tool which makes drawing curved lines easier.
2. Intelligent lines which helps you draw perpendicular or tangent connecting lines between objects.
3. Rounded corners have been enhanced to make rounded-corner shapes more scalable.
4. Artistic media tools have been updated for pressure sensitive effects.
5. The Mesh fill tool has been improved to provide better color transitions.
6. A new Document palette records every color used in the design, making it easier to use the same colors in another design.
7. A pixel preview option in CorelDRAW lets you see exactly how a design will look when output to bitmap formats.
8. Improvements to Export for Web dialog.
9. Eyedroppers in more places with RGB value previews for easier colors sampling.
Download corel Draw X5 (link fixed)
NB: file download dalam bentuk torrent. bagi anda yang belum mengerti apa itu torrent dan bagaimana mendownload dengan shortcut torrent tersebut, klik disini
Note: Buat anda yang malas untuk mendownload. bisa memesan cd/dvd instalernya ke kami melalui soft-gaming store . lebih jelasnya, klik disini
Fitur terbaru Corel Draw X5 :
CorelDRAW also includes several new drawing tools and improvements to current tools :
1. B-Spline tool which makes drawing curved lines easier.
2. Intelligent lines which helps you draw perpendicular or tangent connecting lines between objects.
3. Rounded corners have been enhanced to make rounded-corner shapes more scalable.
4. Artistic media tools have been updated for pressure sensitive effects.
5. The Mesh fill tool has been improved to provide better color transitions.
6. A new Document palette records every color used in the design, making it easier to use the same colors in another design.
7. A pixel preview option in CorelDRAW lets you see exactly how a design will look when output to bitmap formats.
8. Improvements to Export for Web dialog.
9. Eyedroppers in more places with RGB value previews for easier colors sampling.
Download corel Draw X5 (link fixed)
NB: file download dalam bentuk torrent. bagi anda yang belum mengerti apa itu torrent dan bagaimana mendownload dengan shortcut torrent tersebut, klik disini
Note: Buat anda yang malas untuk mendownload. bisa memesan cd/dvd instalernya ke kami melalui soft-gaming store . lebih jelasnya, klik disini
=======Untuk anda yang malas mendownload, bisa pesan SOFTWARE / GAME / OS disini=====
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2 komentar :
gan gak bisa didownload
ok gan, link udah di fix. thanks laporanya
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