Some features:
- Active Virus Control - Detects new & unknown viruses by monitoring processes behavior while they are running
Rescue mode - Reboots your computer in a trusted environment, which is used for cleanup and restoration
Virtualized Browser - Isolates the browser from the operating system in a Bitdefender-provided environment to block web-based threats
- Vulnerability Scanner - Checks for missing or outdated security software as well as potentially unsafe system settings
- Antispam - Stops unwanted e-mail from reaching your Inbox
- Two-way Firewall - Monitors your Internet connections and keeps strangers from accessing your Wi-Fi connection
- Parental Control - Blocks inappropriate content, restricts Web access between certain hours, and helps parents remotely monitor their children's online activity
- Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) , Vista (SP2), Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1)
- CPU: 800MHz processor
- Memory (RAM): 1GB
- Available free hard disk space: 1.8 GB free space (at least 800 MB on the system drive)
- Download:
=======Untuk anda yang malas mendownload, bisa pesan SOFTWARE / GAME / OS disini=====
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2 komentar :
permisi gan,klau installnya offline atau online?thanx :)
Bisa tolong direuload? Uda terlanjur download part 1 nya. Hikz
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