
installshield 2011 premier edition full patch “mediafire link”

image    sori nih baru bisa nanggapin request di chat zone. soalnya sekarang lagi musim try out, jadi jarang onine. hehehehe. angsung saja deh gak usah lama-lama, bagi yang udah request Installshield 2011 Premier Edition, silahkan di cek, mudah-mudahan cocok.
Installshield 2011 Premier Edition ini adalah software yang digunakan untuk membuat program installer, untuk lebih jelasnya seperti ini aja deh, pernah kan download sofware yang iconya berbentuk seperti iniimage? software bericon tersebut biasanya kalo di diklik kan akan meng extract kontenya dulu sebelum di instal. nah, software yang demikian itu dibuat dengan Installshield 2011 Premier Edition
What's new in InstallShield 2012
New and exclusive in InstallShield 2012 Premier
  • Suite installations: A new project type to bundle multiple setups (exe, msi, msp) in a single, unified install experience with a modern UI. You can also combine 32 bit and 64 bit setups in a single package.
  • Installation streaming: Only a small download is required before the end user sees the setup dialogs. The rest of the installations will be downloaded as needed.
  • Installation collaboration: This add-on to develop setups in a team has been improved and requires the Premier edition. 5 licenses are already included.
New and improved in InstallShield 2012 Professional and Premier
  • Improved 64 bit support: Dependency scanner, permissions for files, folders and registry keys, prerequisite for the 64 bit version of the Micrsosoft VSTO 2010 runtime.
  • Application tagging: Mark your applications with a virtual "bar code" (ISO 19770-2 software identification tag) so that software management solutions can identify them.
  • More functionality in merge module projects: IIS support, XML and text file changes.
  • Automation interface supports setting the required execution level for setup.exe to indicate whether administrator permissions are required.
Improvements in all editions of InstallShield 2012
  • New method for COM data extraction.
  • Additional prerequisites: Internet Explorer 9, SQL Server 2008 R2 Native Client, Windows Identity Foundation, Microsoft VSTO 2010 Runtime (x64), Microsoft Office 2010 PIA
  • Additional predefined system searches: Adobe Reader 10, Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft Office 2010, 2007 and 2003
installshield 2011 (crack only)
installshield 2011 (installer)
password: www.soft-gaming.com


=======Untuk anda yang malas mendownload, bisa pesan SOFTWARE / GAME / OS disini=====

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11 komentar :

Wah gan, makasih banget req ane udah ditanggapin. Tapi kok dah ane cb patchnya nggk work ya?? Malah Installshieldnya nggk bs diapa2in. Pdhal cara ngepatch udah ngikutin tutorialnya. Mohon pencerahan... :D

gak bisa di apa-apain gimana gan??
ane cari'in crack lagi deh.

Nggk bisa dipake fitur2nya :(
Sebelumnya ane juga donlot dari dicknyonyo dan memang nggk work. Yg lain dah cb jg gt smua. Mohon bantuannya :D

ohh, jadi gitu ya, kemaren gak sempat cek fitur-fiturnya, jadi pas saya coba crack dan bisa, ya sudah langsung saya posting. heheheh
sorry gan, saya carikan agi deh cracknya,,,

Oce deeh...
Makasih bnyak gan. Sukses selalu buat Soft-Gaming!! :D

Sekalian Installshield yang 2012 klo ada. Cracknya yg ini nyampah. lstaylor dan diknyonyo dan lain2 jg gak bisa. Cek dulu bro baru posting.

It's not work bro. Cariin yg lain donk. Kalau dah dapet posting ulang bro.

installer nya dah terhapus gan, tolong di upload ulang installshieldnya gan

Mas link nya error, mohon link yg baru, terima kasih

gan link downloadnya ga bisa didownload, tlng emailkan link baru gan..
email ane :


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